The Literary and Cultural Activities of Rachol Seminary (LACARS) organised their first Activity on 25th of July 2024 themed ‘GOENCHO PAVSALLO’ which took placed in the seminary Auditorium at 03:00pm. The comperes for the day were Sem. Newton Colaco and Sem. Jayson Colaco, they wonderfully welcomed the audience. Thereafter we began with a small prayer service which was led by Sem. Kennedy and his team. After invoking God’s grace, the program moved forward with the introduction of the judges by the president of the LACRAS unit Sem. Ryan Mascarenhas, and the judges for the event were Mrs. Ashtrida Alphonso and Mr. Benjamin Monserrate, they were welcomed by presenting a potted plants.

Then the program kicked off with the three off-stage events the activities were as follows; Chitra Volleri (Picture Description) the seminarian gave the best of their thoughts in putting on the paper the description. Side by side another activity was going on named as Pavsa Rokxok (Eco-friendly Rainwear Making) where seminarians beautifully displayed their art work, there was also another activity going on as in Nokxikam (Mosaic Art) where seminarians displaced amazing mosaic art forms. There was also one activity for the Priests, to write a poem on the topic ‘Goencho Pavs’ they presented their poems with much inspiration and rhythmic insights. After which we began with the Guspagondollacho Pav (Quiz), where the entire house participated.

With this we came to the end of the off-stage activities of the program and began with the on-stage activities, to kick off we had Utrancho Goddgoddo (Debate), where in among the four houses each house was represented by two members, the topic for the same was given at the beginning of the program and the houses were supposed to present their views for and against the proposition, each house gave their insights in an artistic way. Thereafter, we commenced with the next event themed as Pavsacho Sontos (Biblical Musical Act) where all the houses stormed the auditorium with their stunning performances, as there weas no use of the musical instruments, they used off beat things such as buckets and utensils.

After all the activities came to their end the Rector of our seminary Rev. Dr. Donato Rodrigues gave his insights and appreciation to all the participants and also shared his experiences in few words. After which both the Judges for the day shared their insights and their great experience during the whole program. The Judges were presented with a token of gratitude and thereafter Sem. Fedrick Vas gave the vote of thanks. Then the time came for which all were eagerly waiting: the results of the event, both the Judges announced the position of the house, which was as follows: FOURTH PLACE going for Yellow House; THIRD PLACE going to Blue House; RUNNERS-UP going for the Red House; and the FIRST PLACE going to the Green Houses. With this the LACARS Activity came to an end with joy. Both the comperes gave their final good bye and concluded the event.

By manager