The novenas of The feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began on the 9th of November 2023. The Madi was blessed by Fr. Ashley Alphonso. Every novena the rosary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was conducted by the seminarians at 5.55 pm followed by the Eucharistic Celebration. During the novenas there were special blessings on certain days such as blessings on children, youth, married couples and the sick and the aged people along with other activities to spend a few moments of fellowship with each other. On the last day i.e. on the vespers of the feast, the children who were present for all the novenas were rewarded with a small gift and also a game was conducted for all the people. Everyone participated devoutly in the Eucharistic Celebrations and the liturgies during all the novenas.

The Solemn celebration of the Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus was held at the Patriarchal Seminary of Rachol on the 19th of November 2023. The Eucharistic Celebration at the Seminary Church began at 4:00 pm and the Rector of the Seminary Rev. Fr. Donato Rodrigues was the main celebrant. Sem. Aaron D’Souza prepared the liturgy for the occasion on the theme “Jezuche Bhov Povitr Kallzache Dekhin, Durbollamcho ani Gorjevontamcho Husko Dovrum-ia”. Rev. Fr Heston Ferrão preached the homily while the Sta. Cecilia choir under the leadership of Rev. Fr Mathew Rebello helped the congregation to pray through the singing of the hymns. After the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed and the entire congregation along with a few children dressed as angels and the priests and seminarians prayerfully participated in the traditional procession around the seminary church all the while singing and praying the Rosary of the Divine Mercy. Next, the Rector prayed the act of consecration of the seminary before the Sacramentally present Jesus. The celebrations ended with the solemn blessings conferred upon all in attendance.

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